His Word Coffee Brewing Guide

Understanding the Fundamentals

Before diving into specific brewing methods, it's important to grasp the core principles that affect the taste and quality of your coffee:

  • Coffee-to-Water Ratio: The proportion of coffee grounds to water, which influences strength and extraction.
  • Grind Size: Affects extraction rate; finer grinds extract faster, coarser grinds extract slower.
  • Water Temperature: Ideal brewing temperature is between 195°F and 205°F (90°C to 96°C).
  • Extraction Time: The duration water is in contact with coffee grounds.
  • Water Quality: Use filtered or spring water for optimal flavor, but not distilled water.
  • Freshness: Freshly roasted and ground coffee yields the best taste.

Pour Over (Hario V60, Chemex)

Ideal For:

Highlighting the delicate and complex flavors of single-origin coffees.

Equipment Needed:

  • Pour over dripper (e.g., Hario V60, Chemex)
  • Matching paper filters
  • Gooseneck kettle
  • Burr grinder
  • Digital scale
  • Timer
  • Mug or carafe

Recommended Parameters:

  • Coffee Dose: 20 grams
  • Water Volume: 300 grams
  • Ratio: 1:15 (coffee to water)
  • Grind Size: Medium-fine (slightly finer than sea salt)
  • Water Temperature: 202°F

Brewing Instructions:

Prepare Equipment:

  • Place the filter in the dripper.
  • Rinse the filter with hot water to eliminate paper taste and preheat the dripper and carafe.
  • Discard the rinse water.

Weigh and Grind Coffee:

  • Weigh 20 grams of coffee beans.
  • Grind to a medium-fine consistency.

Set Up:

  • Place the dripper on your carafe or mug.
  • Add the ground coffee to the filter.
  • Level the coffee bed by gently shaking or tapping.


  • Start your timer.
  • Pour 40 grams of water, ensuring all grounds are saturated.
  • Allow the coffee to bloom for 30-45 seconds to release CO₂.

First Pour:

  • Begin pouring water in a slow, steady spiral motion from the center outward.
  • Continue until the scale reads 150 grams.
  • This pour should take approximately 30 seconds.

Second Pour:

  • Continue the spiral pour until you reach 300 grams.
  • Aim to finish pouring by 2 minutes.


  • Allow the coffee to drip through completely.
  • Total brew time should be around 3 minutes.


  • Remove the dripper.
  • Swirl the coffee in the carafe to ensure even flavor.
  • Pour and enjoy.
  • Expert Tips:

  • Pouring Technique: Use controlled, circular motions to ensure even extraction.
  • Grind Adjustments: If the brew time is too short, grind finer; if too long, grind coarser.
  • Water Temperature Control: Use a thermometer or variable temperature kettle for precision.

French Press

Ideal For:

A full-bodied cup with rich flavors and heavier mouthfeel.

Equipment Needed:

  • French press
  • Burr grinder
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Stirring utensil
  • Kettle

Recommended Parameters:

  • Coffee Dose: 30 grams
  • Water Volume: 480 grams
  • Ratio: 1:16
  • Grind Size: Coarse (like coarse sea salt)
  • Water Temperature: 200°F (93°C)

Brewing Instructions:

Preheat French Press:

  • Fill with hot water to warm the vessel.
  • Discard the water before brewing.

Weigh and Grind Coffee:

  • Weigh 30 grams of coffee.
  • Grind to a coarse consistency.

Add Coffee and Water:

  • Add coffee grounds to the French press.
  • Start the timer.
  • Pour water to saturate the grounds (about 60 grams).
  • Stir gently to ensure even saturation.

Add Remaining Water:

  • Pour up to 480 grams of water.
  • Give a gentle stir to break up any clumps.


  • Place the lid on with the plunger pulled up.
  • Steep for 4 minutes.

Break the Crust:

  • After 4 minutes, remove the lid.
  • Use a spoon to break the crust on top.
  • Skim off any foam for a cleaner cup.

Plunge and Serve:

  • Slowly press the plunger down.
  • Pour immediately to avoid over-extraction.

Expert Tips:

  • Avoid Sediment: Pour carefully to prevent fines from entering your cup.
  • Flavor Adjustments: Modify steep time or grind size to fine-tune flavor.


Ideal For:

A concentrated, flavorful shot or as a base for milk-based drinks.

Equipment Needed:

  • Espresso machine with pressure control
  • Precision burr grinder
  • Tamper
  • Scale accurate to 0.1 grams
  • Timer
  • Espresso cups

Recommended Parameters:

  • Coffee Dose: 18-20 grams
  • Yield: 36-40 grams (double shot)
  • Ratio: 1:2 (coffee to yield)
  • Grind Size: Fine (like powdered sugar)
  • Water Temperature: 203°F (94°C)
  • Extraction Time: 25-30 seconds

Brewing Instructions:

Preheat Equipment:

  • Ensure the machine and portafilter are at operating temperature.

Weigh and Grind Coffee:

  • Weigh your dose precisely.
  • Grind finely, adjusting as needed for proper extraction time.

Prepare the Portafilter:

  • Clean and dry the basket.
  • Distribute grounds evenly.
  • Tamp with consistent pressure, ensuring a level puck.

Purge Group Head:

  • Run water through to stabilize temperature.


  • Insert the portafilter and start the shot.
  • Simultaneously start the timer.
  • Aim for a yield of 36-40 grams in 25-30 seconds.

Evaluate and Adjust:

  • Taste the espresso.
  • Adjust grind size or dose based on extraction and flavor.

Expert Tips:

  • Dialing In: Regularly adjust your grind to account for bean freshness and environmental factors.
  • Maintenance: Keep equipment clean for consistent flavor.


Ideal For:

Versatile brewing with control over strength and flavor profile.

Equipment Needed:

  • AeroPress
  • Paper or metal filter
  • Burr grinder
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Stirring paddle
  • Kettle

Recommended Parameters:

  • Coffee Dose: 17 grams
  • Water Volume: 255 grams
  • Ratio: 1:15
  • Grind Size: Medium-fine
  • Water Temperature: 175°F - 185°F (80°C - 85°C) for a sweeter profile

Brewing Instructions:

Assemble AeroPress (Inverted Method):

  • Insert the plunger about 1 cm into the chamber.
  • Invert the AeroPress so the plunger is on the bottom.

Weigh and Grind Coffee:

  • Weigh 17 grams of coffee.
  • Grind to a medium-fine consistency.

Add Coffee and Water:

  • Add coffee to the chamber.
  • Start the timer.
  • Pour in 255 grams of water.
  • Stir vigorously for 10 seconds.


  • Let it steep for 1 minute.

Prepare Filter Cap:

  • Rinse the filter with hot water.
  • Secure it onto the chamber.

Flip and Press:

  • Carefully flip the AeroPress onto your mug.
  • Apply steady pressure, completing the press in about 20-30 seconds.


  • Enjoy it as is for a robust cup or dilute it to taste.

Expert Tips:

  • Experimentation: The AeroPress is highly adaptable; try different recipes.
  • Metal Filters: Using a metal filter allows more oils and flavors through.

Cold Brew

Ideal For:

Smooth, low-acidity coffee, perfect for iced drinks.

Equipment Needed:

  • Cold brew maker or large mason jar
  • Burr grinder
  • Scale
  • Filter (paper, cloth, or metal)
  • Refrigerator

Recommended Parameters:

  • Coffee Dose: 100 grams
  • Water Volume: 1 liter
  • Ratio: 1:10 (for concentrate)
  • Grind Size: Coarse

Brewing Instructions:

Weigh and Grind Coffee:

  • Weigh 100 grams of coffee.
  • Grind to a coarse consistency.

Combine Coffee and Water:

  • Place grounds in the container.
  • Add 1 liter of cold, filtered water.
  • Stir to ensure all grounds are wet.


  • Cover for 12-24 hours.


  • Strain through a fine filter to remove grounds.

Dilute and Serve:

  • Mix concentrate with water or milk in a 1:1 ratio or to taste.
  • Serve over ice.

Expert Tips:

  • Flavor Infusions: Add spices or citrus zest during steeping for unique flavors.
  • Storage: Concentrate keeps well refrigerated for up to a week.

Tips for All Methods

  • Water Composition: Minerals in water affect extraction. Consider using water optimized for coffee brewing.
  • Consistency: Use the same brewing parameters to replicate your favorite results.
  • Environmental Factors: Humidity and temperature can affect grind size and extraction; adjust accordingly.
  • Bean Profile: Lighter roasts may require hotter water and finer grinds; darker roasts may benefit from slightly cooler water and coarser grinds.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain a brewing journal to track parameters and tasting notes.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Coffee Tastes Bitter:

  • Over-extraction.
  • Solutions: Grind coarser, reduce brew time, lower water temperature.

Coffee Tastes Sour or Weak:

  • Under-extraction.
  • Solutions: Grind finer, increase brew time, ensure proper water temperature.

Inconsistent Flavor:

  • Inconsistent grind size or dosing.
  • Solutions: Use a high-quality burr grinder, weigh coffee and water accurately.

Elevate Your Coffee Experience

At His Word Coffee, we are dedicated to providing not only exceptional coffee but also the knowledge to help you brew it perfectly. By understanding and controlling the variables, you can tailor each cup to your personal taste preferences.

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  • Questions or Feedback? We're here to help. Contact us
  • Stay Updated: Follow us on social media for brewing tips, new product releases, and more.

 Brewing coffee is a journey of continuous discovery. Enjoy the process and savor every sip!